Club Rules

To ensure a safe, enjoyable, and respectful environment for everyone, we have established a set of rules that apply to all members. These guidelines are designed to promote fair play, protect our facilities, and foster a positive community spirit. We kindly ask all members to familiarise themselves with these rules and adhere to them at all times. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to making our club a great place for everyone.


Every member of the Club shall be provided with access to a copy of the Club’s current Constitution and Rule Book.


Each member shall receive a Fixture Card on payment of the annual subscription.


A book containing a full list of members shall be kept on display in the Clubhouse.


Visitors and guests shall be deemed to be Honorary Members for the day and entitled to use all of the Club’s facilities. The Club shall keep a Visitors Book on display in the Clubhouse which shall be used to record the guests of Club members as well as players and guests from visiting clubs who shall be signed-in en bloc by the visiting captain. The name of the host member introducing the visitors/guests shall be recorded and individual host members are responsible for ensuring that this Rule is complied with.


All Players, Markers and Umpires shall wear approved bowling footwear whilst on the green. Dress for all matches and competitions shall be either “greys” or “whites” as advised by the Committee. Regulation white or grey shorts may be worn as an alternative to trousers.

When playing the Top Ten on a designated weekday evening, or having a roll-up or individual practice, players must wear approved footwear.


The suitability of the green for play shall be at the discretion of Council Official responsible for the maintenance of the green. Any complaints or suggestions by members regarding the green and its maintenance should be made to the Club Secretary in writing and never directly to the Council Official.

The Green shall be open for play to Members during the season on weekdays (i.e. Monday to Friday inclusive) from 12.30pm to 10.30pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00am to 10.30pm. Extensions to these times for special occasions may be negotiated with the appropriate Council Official by the Committee.


A comprehensive set of Rules for all internal Club competitions shall be prominently displayed in the Clubhouse.

Existing Club members are expected to make themselves available to play weekend friendly games in a season before they can be considered for selection in teams representing the Club in external competitions. Exceptions to this Rule may only be allowed at the discretion of the Committee.

The cost of entry to any internal Club competitions shall be determined by the Committee annually, unless this has been done at an Annual or Special General Meeting


All members shall be eligible to be included on the clubhouse cleaning and other relevant rotas. Any member with good and sufficient reason for exclusion from any rota may request the Committee to exclude his or her name.

Rotas shall be prepared by any member(s) of the Committee so nominated and shall be displayed on the Club notice board, at the commencement of the season.

Any member who wishes to alter his/her rota obligations shall find a replacement and make the necessary changes on the posted rota.

The Committee has the reserved right to decide what action, if any, should be taken in any case where a member does not fulfil their duty rota obligations.


Bar prices will normally be reviewed and set by the Committee on an annual basis. That said the Committee may, at its discretion, amend prices at any time

Bar hours permitted for the supply of alcoholic drinks shall be governed by the Licensing Act 2003. For registered clubs the permitted hours of opening are:

Weekdays other than Christmas Day or Good Friday – 11.00am to 11.00pm.

Sundays and Good Friday – 12 noon to 10.30pm.

The Club will be closed on Christmas Day

The bar stock cupboard and the bar itself shall be locked at all times they are not in use during permitted hours.

Drinks may only be taken from the Clubhouse to the designated patio area. No drinks may be taken onto the playing surface.


The Committee shall be responsible for the payment of all Club bills/debts from Club funds.

The Club Treasurer shall, at his or her discretion, provide working floats for catering and bar expenditure purposes. All other cash receipts shall be paid into the Club’s bank account.


Furniture and fittings, including the contents of the Clubhouse, changing rooms and and storage shed shall be the property of the Club. An inventory shall be kept by the Secretary.


The Club’s effects shall be insured annually against fire and theft and claims by Members or other members of the public in respect of injury or other eventuality.


Each member is responsible for the proper operation of the Club’s security systems.


Accidents that occur within the Clubhouse or on the green and the surrounding verges and pathways must be recorded in the Accident Book. The latter is kept in the Clubhouse.


No rules shall be altered, added or repealed unless voted upon at the Club’s Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.

The Committee shall have authority to deal with any matter not covered by these rules and shall adjudicate on any dispute concerning the interpretation of a rule.

October 2022